Overheard by my neice of her 3 year old...
She was first "making a book" for me, and talking to herself all the while. Things like "Let's see now, if I put this part here, then the next picture should be on *this* page, but that doesn't really look exactly like I imagined it..." (giggle) and then she decided that she was going to "open a store" For what? For drawings, paintings, and anything anyone could want that was pretty. (Be still my heart, I think what we have on our hands is a young artist) - then "someone" (as in an imaginary someone) came into her store and she asked "someone" "What can I do for you today, sir? I can draw anything or paint anything you want. A drawing or painting will make you happy."....pause...."It will make you happy because it's just pretty. And pretty things make people happy."
Her Carol is so proud....