Brainy Quote

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Play Hard, Laugh Much and Leave the worrying to The Father.

I am reading a Max Lucado book right now. He has such a way with words. He was talking about a child's faith. Where Jesus took a little child and stood him in front of him and said, unless you have the faith of a child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Children play hard, laugh much and leave the worries to their father. How much easier would my life be if I just played hard, laughed much and let my Father (capitol F) do the worrying. My life right now has some worries; things I am not sure how they will play out. I know that "all things work together for good for those who love God and follow his ways", so I know the end will be great! It's the journey to the end that often make us falter. Generally I am not a "worrier", but right now I am struggling a little. But, Que Sera, Sera as my Mom and sister say, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. So, I must be becoming super woman!!! I just want to remember to play hard, laugh much and leave the worries to MY FATHER! Why don't you try that too!

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