Brainy Quote

Friday, February 6, 2009

Spatial Heaters and udder stuffs

Dis bees Heidi.
I want to tell you I discovered a wonerful devise. Mommy calls it dee spacial heater. Or sumtik like that. It bwowws hot air on your body. De ovva day I pushed a bwanket up to it and layed down. Of course I walked around, i tink, 3 times and lay. I was sweeping peacefully with the spacial heater bwowing on my bottom. when yikes! I smell burnin' hair. I was mine!!!! So, I jumped up.... looked at it sternly, then rolled over.
Dis is de life.


will said...

he larry us!

Alicia Beth said...

too funny !! I just had a flashback to Monday night bible study and your reading.Make the blog that much funnier :) I found that LOL cat translation website by the way.See you in the morning !!!