Brainy Quote

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

AUSTRALIA - The Departure June 27 and 29 ( I lost June 28)

After a long drive to Atlanta, Rick, Joy and I were headed to Marietta Diner to eat and "OH NO!" I have forgotten my passport"....I was all planning the 12 hour drive there and back then Joy took over. Thank you. We called Janet (good buddy) and she overnight/Saturday deliveried it to us. Phew! So I spent Saturday with Mum and  then  Sunday afternoon we headed to the airport. Joy couldn't go with me (she has no passport!!!) So she and Mary made a "Flat Joy" who is coming with me.
                                                                                                 So here is Flat joy going thru security...

I managed to ride an escalator alone (twice) without my escalator buddy Ronda. She did however text me thru the second one. I was on concorce A so only one stop on the tram and then gate 18 the first gate, yay! Those of you who have been thru the Atlanta airport know things are never that smooth, in fact, I think this was the first time I have not had to run thru the airport!o after hanging out for a couple of hours, and watching a total of 4 bags left unattended! pet peeve. We began to load. Right before I was to get on, the guy took my boarding pass and held it while he let the line go down. Of course, the 100+ passengers behind me were secretly cussing me for holding up the line....Then, 5 long minutes later he scanned it to start the line again and it popped up "check passport". so then he stopped the line again. he had me step aside (fond memories and feelings for Ronda!) while the 100+ passed by and gave me dirty looks! Anywyay they needed a home address?!?!!?

                                                                      Here is Flat Joy waiting at LAX

So we board. I pass a poor lady trying to lug a car seat, stroller and 2 year old who wants to undress her dolly NOW! 
SIDE NOTE: Here I have a suggestion here. Make the seats two, two, two - and widen the isles.  Just a thought. If the flight attendant, who is a size 0-7 can't go down an isle straight, it is too small!!!
Also, delta charges for the headphones to the TV and music, so bring extra and make a travelling buddy.

Watched The Wedding Singer. this other guy was reading how to live among the astral plain...with his Bloody Mary.  Sat next to an Australian lady who had moved to NC to marry her best friend and he had a stroke one day after she arrived and died 5 days later. She was taking his  ashes to Australia (can you say LOST!) I was so sad for her and sort of creeped out at the LOST paralell for a moment. Then I reminded myself that I was just flying to LA with her. Got off the plane at LAX and the gate I needed to get to was right next door! Great! So I got some McD's and settled down against a wall to plug in the phone and charge up.
SIDE NOTE: the airports are going to have to do better than a plug in the wall every gate to charge up! They had installed this tall bar thing sponsored by TMobile or someone but it had four, yes four plug ins....

                       Flat Joy in the airplane waiting for the "valve" to get fixed

Two hours later the gate is jumpin'. It went from about 5 of us at 7 pm to full gates at 930! Loaded up the plane and sat for 30 min some airconditioning valve was faulty, but working and not showing it so just another 30 more. But it wasn't hot and we were just reading. Dude across from me was wearing khaki shorts, different khaki shirt and black sox. These are the men that give Aussies a bad fashion name.Does something snap in an Australian male when they turn 40??
.....Sleep. read, movie, tv, sleep, tv, movie.....

Getting ready to land and Poppy Baldwin is standing the isle! Srsly! Looked just like him. Long line at immigration, I did get in the shorter of the long lines cos I am an Aussie, but still long. Then to customs, I declared all my food items (bisquick, peanut butter, life cereal, grits, chocolate) and she waved me on thru, no rummaging thru the bags! YAY! Texted Julie, hugs, kisses, exchanged money and off we go....
                                                                                                                    Flat Joy hugs Julie at arrival

Drove home and then we walked thru Gymea shops and got some grocery, and stop in at "Distractions" a friends shop (go to HERE to become a fan) 

I thought this picture might help Ronda understand why Tirane
 is like "home" for me...we shop in little shops too!

That is the Departure...on to the SURPRISE!!

1 comment:

roaringlamb3 said...

Just now getting to read this. Love it! Glad you had some reminders of me. I've missed my traveling buddy on my trip, too :)