Brainy Quote

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What did you do this summer?

If asked in the fall what I did this summer, I confess, I would have to say, I napped. That is all I did!
Cole got a hair cut. He likes a new lid every now and then. At bath time he was VERY upset that he had to get it wet, he told his mom that it was going to be ruined! Tears and screaming continued. Finally he went to bed, when he got up from his nap, he ran to his mom and exclaimed, "The nap fixed my hair cut!"
So, I decied to write about naps and their healing qualities.

A Nap is the cure-
If you're tired
If you're cranky

If you have over thought

If you have a bad hair day
If you need to think
If you need solitude

If you just need
If everyone is bugging you

If no one is listening

If you feel put upon

If you miss someone

If you're mad at someone
If your head aches
If your body hurts
If you are too - anything

If your dog ran away
If your child is cranky
If your mom is cranky
If your clothes don't fit right
If you have nothing to wear

If there is no chocolate in the house
If they keep crying

If you keep crying

If you can't cry anymore

If you have no where to go

If a nap can fix a hair cut-there is no telling what else it could cure- think about it...What is wrong with your life? Will a nap hurt it? No. Never. And I guarentee you will feel better, regardless If you are 2 or 50 years old. Jesus related. He retreated to pray, think, regroup, pull it together. Retreating causes you to "lay back", lay low, retire, and that is good. It was true when you were 3. It is true now.

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